

VBA100本ノック 98本目:席替えルールが守られているか確認
VBA100本ノック 99本目:自動席替え(行列と前後左右が全て違うように)


Sub 席替え実行()
    Const 最大行 = 5    '縦 y軸方向
    Const 最大列 = 5    '横 x軸方向
    Set 現座席左上 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("座席表(現)").Range("b5")
    Set 新座席左上 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("座席表(現)").Range("b13")
    Set WK座席左上 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("座席表(現)").Range("b22")
    Range(新座席左上, 新座席左上.Offset(最大行, 最大列)).ClearContents
    Range(WK座席左上, WK座席左上.Offset(最大行, 最大列)).ClearContents
    'f(n) = (2n+1) mod (5+2)
    '{0,1,2,3,4,5} -> {1,3,5,0,2,4} ←前後の数字は少なくとも2以上離れる
    For i = 0 To 最大行
        Range(現座席左上.Offset(i, 0), 現座席左上.Offset(i, 最大列)).Copy Destination:=WK座席左上.Offset((2 * i + 1) Mod (最大行 + 2), 0)
    For i = 0 To 最大列
        Range(WK座席左上.Offset(0, i), WK座席左上.Offset(最大行, i)).Copy Destination:=新座席左上.Offset(0, (2 * i + 1) Mod (最大列 + 2))
    Range(WK座席左上, WK座席左上.Offset(最大行, 最大列)).Clear
    Call 席替えチェック
End Sub

Sub 席替えチェック()
    Dim f(5, 5)
    Set 現座席左上 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("座席表(現)").Range("b5")
    Set 新座席左上 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("座席表(現)").Range("b13")
    For y = 0 To 5
        For x = 0 To 5
        Set c = Range(新座席左上, 新座席左上.Offset(5, 5)).Find(現座席左上.Offset(y, x).Value)
        '新しい席番を 席番配列にいれる
        f(y, x) = Array(c.Row - 新座席左上.Row, c.Column - 新座席左上.Column)

    For y = 0 To 5
        For x = 0 To 5
            If (y = f(y, x)(0)) Or (x = f(y, x)(1)) = True Then
                Debug.Print "行列が同じ:" & 現座席左上.Offset(y, x).Value
                新座席左上.Offset(f(y, x)(0), f(y, x)(1)).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
            End If

            If y <> 5 Then
                '三平方の定理でf(y, x)とf(y+1, x)との距離を調べる
                If (f(y, x)(0) - f(y + 1, x)(0)) ^ 2 + (f(y, x)(1) - f(y + 1, x)(1)) ^ 2 = 1 Then
                    Debug.Print "下が隣:" & 現座席左上.Offset(y, x).Value
                    新座席左上.Offset(f(y, x)(0), f(y, x)(1)).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
                End If
            End If
            If y <> 0 Then
                '三平方の定理でf(y, x)とf(y-1, x)との距離を調べる
                If (f(y, x)(0) - f(y - 1, x)(0)) ^ 2 + (f(y, x)(1) - f(y - 1, x)(1)) ^ 2 = 1 Then
                    Debug.Print "上が隣:" & 現座席左上.Offset(y, x).Value
                    新座席左上.Offset(f(y, x)(0), f(y, x)(1)).Interior.ColorIndex = 7
                End If
            End If
            If x <> 0 Then
                '三平方の定理でf(y, x)とf(y, x-1)との距離を調べる
                If (f(y, x)(0) - f(y, x - 1)(0)) ^ 2 + (f(y, x)(1) - f(y, x - 1)(1)) ^ 2 = 1 Then
                    Debug.Print "右が隣:" & 現座席左上.Offset(y, x).Value
                    新座席左上.Offset(f(y, x)(0), f(y, x)(1)).Interior.ColorIndex = 8
                End If
            End If
            If x <> 5 Then
                '三平方の定理でf(y, x)とf(y, x+1)との距離を調べる
                If (f(y, x)(0) - f(y, x + 1)(0)) ^ 2 + (f(y, x)(1) - f(y, x + 1)(1)) ^ 2 = 1 Then
                    Debug.Print "左が隣:" & 現座席左上.Offset(y, x).Value
                    新座席左上.Offset(f(y, x)(0), f(y, x)(1)).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
                End If
            End If
End Sub









Sub Macro1()
' VBA100本ノック 8本目:点数の合否判定
' https://excel-ubara.com/vba100/VBA100_008.html

    合否テキスト = Array("", "合格")
    For y = 2 To 12
        x_and = 0
        x_or = 0
        For x = 2 To 6
            x_and = x_and + (Cells(y, x) >= 50)   '()の中身は真なら-1,偽なら0
            x_or = x_or + Cells(y, x)
        Debug.Print "x_and=-5 : " & (x_and = -5) * 1 & vbTab & "* 合計点>=350 : " & (x_or >= 350) * 1 & vbTab & " = " & (x_and = -5) * (x_or >= 350)
        Cells(y, 7).Value = 合否テキスト((x_and = -5) * (x_or >= 350))
End Sub

Excel VBAでパタパタ(反転フラップ式・ソラリー式)もどきを作ってみた





Sub sample_1()

    a = "A12345ABC": Debug.Print "元データ :" & a
    ' aの2文字目から5文字分を切り抜く
    Debug.Print "パターン1:" & Mid(a, 2, 5)

    ' aの2文字目から以下全部を切り抜く
    Debug.Print "パターン2:" & Mid(a, 2)

    ' aの2文字目から100文字分を切り抜く
    Debug.Print "パターン3:" & Mid(a, 2, 100)

End Sub

Sub sample_2()

    a = "A00000ABC": Debug.Print "元データ :" & a
    ' aの2文字目から5文字分のエリアに12345を入れる
    Mid(a, 2, 5) = 12345
    Debug.Print "パターン1:" & a

    ' aの2文字目から5文字分のエリアに123を入れる
    a = "A00000ABC"
    Mid(a, 2, 5) = 123
    Debug.Print "パターン2:" & a

    ' aの2文字目から123を入れる
    a = "A00000ABC"
    Mid(a, 2) = 123
    Debug.Print "パターン3:" & a

    ' aの2文字目から5文字分のエリアに123456789を入れる
    a = "A00000ABC"
    Mid(a, 2, 5) = 123456789
    Debug.Print "パターン4:" & a

End Sub
Public Sub VBA100_65_1()
    Dim dat As String
    Dim lLen As Long, c, r, fso, file
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    CurrentDirectory = ActiveWorkbook.Path
    Set file = fso.OpenTextFile(fso.BuildPath(CurrentDirectory, "text.txt"), 2, True)
    For r = 2 To Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count

        dat = ""
        For c = 1 To Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Columns.Count
            'Debug.Print lLen, Sheets(2).Cells(c + 1, 1), Sheets(2).Cells(c + 1, 2), Sheets(2).Cells(c + 1, 3), Sheets(1).Cells(r, c)
            Select Case Sheets(2).Cells(c + 1, 2)
                Case "N"   '0づめ数字
                    dat = dat & Format(Sheets(1).Cells(r, c), String(Sheets(2).Cells(c + 1, 3), "0"))
                Case "C"    '左詰め文字
                    dat = dat & Left(Sheets(1).Cells(r, c) + String(Sheets(2).Cells(c + 1, 3), " "), Sheets(2).Cells(c + 1, 3))
            End Select

        Debug.Print dat & "*"  '動作確認用
        file.writeline dat
    Set file = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub VBA100_65_2()
    Dim dat As String * 100   '少し多めに取っておく
    Dim lLen As Long, c, r, fso, file
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    CurrentDirectory = ActiveWorkbook.Path
    Set file = fso.OpenTextFile(fso.BuildPath(CurrentDirectory, "text.txt"), 2, True)
    For r = 2 To Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
        lLen = 1
        dat = ""
        For c = 1 To Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Columns.Count
            'Debug.Print lLen, Sheets(2).Cells(c + 1, 1), Sheets(2).Cells(c + 1, 2), Sheets(2).Cells(c + 1, 3), Sheets(1).Cells(r, c)
            Select Case Sheets(2).Cells(c + 1, 2)
                Case "N"   '0づめ数字
                    Mid(dat, lLen, Sheets(2).Cells(c + 1, 3)) = Format(Sheets(1).Cells(r, c), String(Sheets(2).Cells(c + 1, 3), "0"))
                Case "C"    '左詰め文字
                    Mid(dat, lLen, Sheets(2).Cells(c + 1, 3)) = Sheets(1).Cells(r, c)
            End Select
            lLen = lLen + Sheets(2).Cells(c + 1, 3)
            Debug.Print Mid(dat, 1, lLen - 1) & "*"    '動作確認用
            file.writeline Mid(dat, 1, lLen - 1)
    Set file = Nothing
End Sub




#If Win64 Then
    ' Excel が64ビット版の場合の関数定義です。
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function MessageBoxTimeoutA Lib "User32.dll" _
        (ByVal hWnd As LongPtr, _
        ByVal lpText As String, _
        ByVal lpCaption As String, _
        ByVal uType As VbMsgBoxStyle, _
        ByVal wLanguageID As Long, _
        ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) As Long
    ' Excel が32ビット版の場合の関数定義です。
    Private Declare Function MessageBoxTimeoutA Lib "User32.dll" _
        (ByVal hWnd As Long, _
        ByVal lpText As String, _
        ByVal lpCaption As String, _
        ByVal uType As VbMsgBoxStyle, _
        ByVal wLanguageID As Long, _
        ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) As Long
#End If
Const dots = "ドット"
Const ptrn = "図形"
Const strg = "ステレオグラム"

Const dots_size = 64
Const img_size_w = 300
Const img_size_h = 150

Sub Macro1()
    MakeSheet dots
    MakeSheet ptrn
    MakeSheet strg
    Call make_dots
    MessageBoxTimeoutA 0, "ドット模様を書いた", "メッセージ", 1, 65536, 3 * 1000

    MessageBoxTimeoutA 0, "パターンを描くぜ", "メッセージ", 1, 65536, 3 * 1000
    Call make_img
    MessageBoxTimeoutA 0, "ステレオグラムを描くぜ", "メッセージ", 1, 65536, 3 * 1000
    Call make_autostereogram
    MessageBoxTimeoutA 0, "見れ", "メッセージ", 1, 65536, 3 * 1000

End Sub

Function make_dots()
    For r = 1 To dots_size
        For c = 1 To dots_size
            g = Int(Rnd * 255)
            Sheets(dots).Cells(c, r).Value = g
            Sheets(dots).Cells(c, r).Interior.Color = RGB(g, g, g)
End Function

Function make_img()
    For r = 1 To img_size_w
        For c = 1 To img_size_h
            If (r - img_size_w / 2) ^ 2 + (c - img_size_h / 2) ^ 2 < (img_size_h / 3) ^ 2 Then
                Sheets(ptrn).Cells(c, r).Value = 1
                Sheets(ptrn).Cells(c, r).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)
                Sheets(ptrn).Cells(c, r).Value = 0
            End If
        Sheets(ptrn).Cells(img_size_h + 1, r).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
End Function

Function make_autostereogram()
    shift_amplitude = 0.15
    For r = 1 To img_size_w
        For c = 1 To img_size_h
            If r <= dots_size Then
                Sheets(strg).Cells(c, r).Value = Sheets(dots).Cells(c Mod dots_size + 1, r).Value
                shift = Int(Sheets(ptrn).Cells(c, r).Value * shift_amplitude * dots_size)
                Sheets(strg).Cells(c, r).Value = Sheets(strg).Cells(c, r - dots_size + shift).Value
            End If
            g = Sheets(strg).Cells(c, r).Value
            Sheets(strg).Cells(c, r).Interior.Color = RGB(g, g, g)
    Range(Sheets(strg).Cells(1, 1), Sheets(strg).Cells(img_size_w, img_size_h)).ClearContents
End Function
Function MakeSheet(xMakeSheet As String)
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False ' メッセージを非表示
    If ExistsSheet(xMakeSheet) Then Sheets(xMakeSheet).Delete
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True ' メッセージを表示
    Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
    ActiveSheet.Name = xMakeSheet
    px = 3
    Cells.ColumnWidth = px * 0.15
    Cells.RowHeight = px * 1.5
End Function
Function ExistsSheet(bName As String)
    Dim ws As Variant
    ExistsSheet = False
    For Each ws In Sheets
        If LCase(ws.Name) = LCase(bName) Then
            ExistsSheet = True ' シートが存在した
            Exit Function
        End If
End Function




Sub Macro_Ex_Wd_Pp()
    Dim myDocument
    Dim i, x, y, r, h
    Select Case True
        Case Application.Caption = "Word"
            Set myDocument = ActiveDocument
        Case InStr(Application.Caption, "Excel") > 0
            Set myDocument = ActiveSheet
        Case Else
            Set myDocument = ActivePresentation.Slides(1)
    End Select

    For i = myDocument.Shapes.Count To 1 Step -1
    Next i

    x = 150:   y = 200
    r = 100:    h = 100
    Call Ball(myDocument, x, y, r)
    Call Cylinder(myDocument, x, y, r, h)
    Call Cone(myDocument, x, y, r, h)
    x = 500:    y = 100
    Call Cube(myDocument, x, y, r)
    y = 250
    Call Pyramid(myDocument, x, y, r)
    y = 350
    Call Tetrahedron(myDocument, x, y, r)

End Sub

Function Ball(obj, x, y, r)
    ' obj 描画するオブジェクト
    ' 中心(x,y) 半径r
    Dim SN(0 To 2) As Variant
    Dim shp, a
    a = 0.3
    'Set shp = obj.Shapes.AddConnector(msoConnectorStraight, x, y + r * a / 8, x + r, y + r * a / 8)
    If Application.Caption <> "Word" Then
        Set shp = obj.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeArc, x, y - r / 4, r, r * a)  'エクセル・パワポの場合
        Set shp = obj.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeArc, x - r, y - r / 8, r * 2, r * a) 'ワードの場合
    End If
    SN(0) = shp.Name
    shp.Adjustments.Item(1) = 180
    shp.Adjustments.Item(2) = 0
    lineattr shp, msoLineDash, 2    '破線
    If Application.Caption <> "Word" Then
        Set shp = obj.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeArc, x, y - r / 4, r, r * a)  'エクセル・パワポの場合
        Set shp = obj.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeArc, x - r, y - r / 8, r * 2, r * a) 'ワードの場合
    End If
    SN(1) = shp.Name
    shp.Adjustments.Item(1) = 0
    shp.Adjustments.Item(2) = 180
    lineattr shp, msoLineSolid, 2
    Set shp = obj.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, x - r / 1, y - r / 1, r * 2, r * 2)
    SN(2) = shp.Name
    shp.Fill.Visible = msoFalse '円の塗りつぶしなし
    lineattr shp, msoLineSolid, 2

    obj.Shapes.Range(SN).Group.Name = "球"
    Set Ball = shp
End Function

Function Cylinder(obj, x, y, r, h)
    ' obj 描画するオブジェクト
    ' 上面中心(x,y) 半径r
    'y > h+r/2であるべき
    Dim SN(0 To 4) As Variant
    Dim shp, a
    a = 0.3     '楕円の潰れ具合

    'Set shp = obj.Shapes.AddConnector(msoConnectorStraight, x, y + r * a / 8, x + r, y + r * a / 8)
    If Application.Caption <> "Word" Then
        Set shp = obj.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeArc, x, y - r / 4, r, r * a) 'エクセル・パワポの場合
        Set shp = obj.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeArc, x - r, y - r / 8, r * 2, r * a)  'ワードの場合
    End If
    SN(0) = shp.Name
    shp.Adjustments.Item(1) = 0
    shp.Adjustments.Item(2) = 360
    lineattr shp, msoLineSolid, 2
    If Application.Caption <> "Word" Then
        Set shp = obj.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeArc, x, y - r / 4 + h, r, r * a) 'エクセル・パワポの場合
        Set shp = obj.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeArc, x - r, y - r / 8 + h, r * 2, r * a) 'ワードの場合
    End If
    SN(1) = shp.Name
    shp.Adjustments.Item(1) = -180
    shp.Adjustments.Item(2) = 0
    lineattr shp, msoLineDash, 2
    If Application.Caption <> "Word" Then
        Set shp = obj.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeArc, x, y - r / 4 + h, r, r * a) 'エクセル・パワポの場合
        Set shp = obj.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeArc, x - r, y - r / 8 + h, r * 2, r * a) 'ワードの場合
    End If
    SN(2) = shp.Name
    shp.Adjustments.Item(1) = 0
    shp.Adjustments.Item(2) = 180
    lineattr shp, msoLineSolid, 2
    Set shp = obj.Shapes.AddConnector(msoConnectorStraight, x - r, y + r * a / 8, x - r, y + r * a / 8 + h)
    SN(3) = shp.Name
    lineattr shp, msoLineSolid, 2
    Set shp = obj.Shapes.AddConnector(msoConnectorStraight, x + r, y + r * a / 8, x + r, y + r * a / 8 + h)
    SN(4) = shp.Name
    lineattr shp, msoLineSolid, 2

    obj.Shapes.Range(SN).Group.Name = "円柱"
    Set Cylinder = shp
End Function

Function Cone(obj, x, y, r, h)
    ' obj 描画するオブジェクト
    ' 頂点(x,y) 半径r
    ' y > hであるべき
    Dim SN(0 To 3) As Variant
    Dim shp, a
    a = 0.3     '楕円の潰れ具合
    'Set shp = obj.Shapes.AddConnector(msoConnectorStraight, x, y + r * a / 8 + h, x + r, y + r * a / 8 + h)
    If Application.Caption <> "Word" Then
        Set shp = obj.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeArc, x, y - r / 4 + h, r, r * a) 'エクセル・パワポの場合
        Set shp = obj.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeArc, x - r, y - r / 8 + h, r * 2, r * a) 'ワードの場合
    End If
    SN(0) = shp.Name
    shp.Adjustments.Item(1) = 180
    shp.Adjustments.Item(2) = 0
    lineattr shp, msoLineDash, 2
    If Application.Caption <> "Word" Then
        Set shp = obj.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeArc, x, y - r / 4 + h, r, r * a) 'エクセル・パワポの場合
        Set shp = obj.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeArc, x - r, y - r / 8 + h, r * 2, r * a) 'ワードの場合
    End If
    SN(1) = shp.Name
    shp.Adjustments.Item(1) = 0
    shp.Adjustments.Item(2) = 180
    lineattr shp, msoLineSolid, 2

    Set shp = obj.Shapes.AddConnector(msoConnectorStraight, x, y, x - r, y + r * a / 8 + h)
    SN(2) = shp.Name
    lineattr shp, msoLineSolid, 2
    Set shp = obj.Shapes.AddConnector(msoConnectorStraight, x, y, x + r, y + r * a / 8 + h)
    SN(3) = shp.Name
    lineattr shp, msoLineSolid, 2
    obj.Shapes.Range(SN).Group.Name = "円錐"
    Set Cone = shp
End Function

Function Cube(obj, x, y, r)
    ' obj 描画するオブジェクト
    ' 重心(x,y,0) 1辺の長さ r
    Dim SN(0 To 3) As Variant
    Dim shp, i, o, p, rt
    o = Array(x, y, 0)
    p = Array(Array(-1, 1, -1), _
    Array(1, 1, -1), _
    Array(1, 1, 1), _
    Array(-1, 1, 1), _
    Array(-1, -1, -1), _
    Array(1, -1, -1), _
    Array(1, -1, 1), _
    Array(-1, -1, 1))

    For i = 0 To UBound(p, 1)
        p(i) = MatScl(p(i), r / 2)
    rt = Array(30, 20, -20)  'x軸、y軸、z軸の回転角度
    For i = 0 To UBound(p, 1)
        p(i) = Zrote((Yrote(Xrote(p(i), rt(0)), rt(1))), rt(2))
    Set shp = trackline(obj, o, p, Array(5, 4, 7, 6, 5, 1, 2, 3, 7))
    Call lineattr(shp, msoLineSolid, 2)
    SN(0) = shp.Name
    Set shp = trackline(obj, o, p, Array(2, 6))
    Call lineattr(shp, msoLineSolid, 2)
    SN(1) = shp.Name
    Set shp = trackline(obj, o, p, Array(3, 0, 1))
    Call lineattr(shp, msoLineDash, 2)
    SN(2) = shp.Name
    Set shp = trackline(obj, o, p, Array(0, 4))
    Call lineattr(shp, msoLineDash, 2)
    SN(3) = shp.Name

    obj.Shapes.Range(SN).Group.Name = "立方体"
    Set Cube = shp

End Function

Function Pyramid(obj, x, y, r)
    ' obj 描画するオブジェクト
    ' 重心(x,y,0) 1辺の長さ r
    Dim SN(0 To 2) As Variant
    Dim shp, i, o, p, rt
    o = Array(x, y, 0)
    p = Array(Array(0, -3 / Sqr(2) / 2, 0), _
    Array(1, 1 / Sqr(2) / 2, 1), _
    Array(-1, 1 / Sqr(2) / 2, 1), _
    Array(-1, 1 / Sqr(2) / 2, -1), _
    Array(1, 1 / Sqr(2) / 2, -1))

    For i = 0 To UBound(p, 1)
        p(i) = MatScl(p(i), r / 2)

    rt = Array(10, 20, 0)  'x軸、y軸、z軸の回転角度
    For i = 0 To UBound(p, 1)
        p(i) = Zrote((Yrote(Xrote(p(i), rt(0)), rt(1))), rt(2))
    Set shp = trackline(obj, o, p, Array(0, 2, 1, 0, 4, 1))
    Call lineattr(shp, msoLineSolid, 2)
    SN(0) = shp.Name
    Set shp = trackline(obj, o, p, Array(2, 3, 4))
    Call lineattr(shp, msoLineDash, 2)
    SN(1) = shp.Name
    Set shp = trackline(obj, o, p, Array(0, 3))
    Call lineattr(shp, msoLineDash, 2)
    SN(2) = shp.Name

    obj.Shapes.Range(SN).Group.Name = "四角錐"
    Set Pyramid = shp

End Function

Function Tetrahedron(obj, x, y, r)
    ' obj 描画するオブジェクト
    ' 重心(x,y,0) 1辺の長さ r
    Dim SN(0 To 1) As Variant
    Dim shp, i, o, p, rt
    o = Array(x, y, 0)
    p = Array(Array(0, 0, Sqr(2) / Sqr(3) * (2 / 3)), _
    Array(-1 / 2, 1 / Sqr(3) / 2, -Sqr(2) / Sqr(3) / 3), _
    Array(1 / 2, 1 / Sqr(3) / 2, -Sqr(2) / Sqr(3) / 3), _
    Array(0, -1 / Sqr(3), -Sqr(2) / Sqr(3) / 3))

    For i = 0 To UBound(p, 1)
        p(i) = MatScl(p(i), r)

    rt = Array(300, 120, -25)  'x軸、y軸、z軸の回転角度
    For i = 0 To UBound(p, 1)
        p(i) = Zrote((Yrote(Xrote(p(i), rt(0)), rt(1))), rt(2))
    Set shp = trackline(obj, o, p, Array(0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 1))
    Call lineattr(shp, msoLineSolid, 2)
    SN(0) = shp.Name

    Set shp = trackline(obj, o, p, Array(2, 3))
    Call lineattr(shp, msoLineDash, 2)
    SN(1) = shp.Name

    obj.Shapes.Range(SN).Group.Name = "正四面体"
    Set Tetrahedron = shp

End Function

Function trackline(obj, o, p, Route)
    Dim shp_Name() As Variant
    Dim shp, i

    ReDim shp_Name(UBound(Route) - 1)
    For i = 0 To UBound(Route) - 1
        Set shp = obj.Shapes.AddConnector(msoConnectorStraight, o(0) + Int(p(Route(i + 1))(0)), o(1) + Int(p(Route(i + 1))(1)), o(0) + Int(p(Route(i))(0)), o(1) + Int(p(Route(i))(1)))
        shp_Name(i) = shp.Name
        'Set txt = obj.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, o(0) + Int(p(Route(i + 1))(0)), o(1) + Int(p(Route(i + 1))(1)), 20, 20)
        'txt.TextFrame.Characters.Text = Route(i + 1)

    If UBound(Route) > 1 Then
        obj.Shapes.Range(shp_Name).Group.Name = shp_Name(0)
        Set trackline = obj.Shapes(shp_Name(0))
        Set trackline = shp
    End If
End Function

Function lineattr(obj, d, Optional w As Integer = 1, Optional rgb As Long = 12287562)
    With obj
        .Line.DashStyle = d
        .Line.Weight = w
        .Line.ForeColor.rgb = rgb
    End With
End Function

Function Xrote(v, d)   'vは(x,y,z)座標の配列、dは角度(0-360)
    '   1    0    0
    '   0  cos  sin
    '   0 -sin  cos
    Dim rad_1do
    rad_1do = 2 / 360 * 3.141594
    Xrote = Array(v(0), Cos(d * rad_1do) * v(1) + Sin(d * rad_1do) * v(2), -Sin(d * rad_1do) * v(1) + Cos(d * rad_1do) * v(2))
End Function
Function Yrote(v, d)   'vは(x,y,z)座標の配列、dは角度(0-360)
    ' cos    0 -sin
    '   0    1    0
    ' sin    0  cos
    Dim rad_1do
    rad_1do = 2 / 360 * 3.141594
    Yrote = Array(Cos(d * rad_1do) * v(0) - Sin(d * rad_1do) * v(2), v(1), Sin(d * rad_1do) * v(0) + Cos(d * rad_1do) * v(2))
End Function
Function Zrote(v, d)   'vは(x,y,z)座標の配列、dは角度(0-360)
    '  cos  sin   0
    ' -sin  cos   0
    '    0    0   1
    Dim rad_1do
    rad_1do = 2 / 360 * 3.141594
    Zrote = Array(Cos(d * rad_1do) * v(0) + Sin(d * rad_1do) * v(1), -Sin(d * rad_1do) * v(0) + Cos(d * rad_1do) * v(1), v(2))
End Function

Function MatScl(v, scl)
    Dim a
    a = Array(v(0) * scl, v(1) * scl, v(2) * scl)
    MatScl = Array(v(0) * scl, v(1) * scl, v(2) * scl)
End Function


Excel VBAで数独を解く


Option Explicit
#If Win64 Then
    ' Excel が64ビット版の場合の関数定義です。
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function MessageBoxTimeoutA Lib "User32.dll" _
        (ByVal hWnd As LongPtr, _
        ByVal lpText As String, _
        ByVal lpCaption As String, _
        ByVal uType As VbMsgBoxStyle, _
        ByVal wLanguageID As Long, _
        ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) As Long
    ' Excel が32ビット版の場合の関数定義です。
    Private Declare Function MessageBoxTimeoutA Lib "User32.dll" _
        (ByVal hWnd As Long, _
        ByVal lpText As String, _
        ByVal lpCaption As String, _
        ByVal uType As VbMsgBoxStyle, _
        ByVal wLanguageID As Long, _
        ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) As Long
#End If

Type SudokuType
    盤面 As String * 81
    flag行(8) As Integer
    flag列(8) As Integer
    flag面(8) As Integer
    残り As Integer
End Type
Type AddrType
    行 As Integer
    列 As Integer
    面 As Integer
End Type

Dim answer As String
Dim org As String
Dim cnt As Long
Const board_top_c = 4
Const board_top_r = 3

Sub Macro()
    Dim Driver As New Selenium.WebDriver
    Dim o_elem, Item, i, Sudoku_txt
    Dim startTime, endTime, processTime

    With Range(Cells(board_top_c, board_top_r), Cells(board_top_c + 8, board_top_r + 8))
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
        .Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .BorderAround Weight:=xlThick
    End With
    Range(Cells(board_top_c + 0, board_top_r + 3), Cells(board_top_c + 8, board_top_r + 5)).BorderAround Weight:=xlThick
    Range(Cells(board_top_c + 3, board_top_r + 0), Cells(board_top_c + 5, board_top_r + 8)).BorderAround Weight:=xlThick
    Sudoku_txt = "000000000000000027400608000071000300238506419964100750395027800182060974046819205"  '初級
    'Sudoku_txt = "000000000000000280376400000700001000020000000400300006010028000000005000000000003"  '最高級
    Sudoku_txt = "005300000800000020070010500400005300010070006003200080060500009004000030000009700"  'フィンランド人数学者の世界一難しい数独。
    'Sudoku_txt = ""        '空白の場合ネットから拾う

    If Sudoku_txt = "" Then
        'ツール - 参照設定でSeleniumTypeLibをチェックすること。

        Driver.Start "Edge"
        Driver.Window.SetPosition 1300, 0
        Driver.Window.SetSize 800, 800
        Driver.Get "http://www.sudokugame.org/"
        Driver.SwitchToFrame "f1"
        Set o_elem = Driver.FindElementsByCss("table.sd td input")
        For Each Item In o_elem
            If Item.Attribute("value") = "" Then
                Sudoku_txt = Sudoku_txt + "0"                           '空マス
                Sudoku_txt = Sudoku_txt + Item.Attribute("value")       '数字が入ったマス
            End If
        org = Sudoku_txt
        org = ""
    End If

    Dim Sudoku As SudokuType        'Sudoku構造体の宣言
    Call Sudoku_init(Sudoku)        'Sudoku構造体の初期化
    For i = 0 To 80
        Call Sudoku_setNum(Sudoku, i, Mid(Sudoku_txt, i + 1, 1))
    Call showBoard(Sudoku.盤面, 0)  '盤面の描画
    MessageBoxTimeoutA 0&, Sudoku_txt, "解答スタート", 1, 65536, 2 * 1000
    cnt = 0
    startTime = Timer
    ' 数独解答
    Call Sudoku_Try(Sudoku)
    endTime = Timer
    processTime = endTime - startTime
    Debug.Print cnt & "手 " & processTime & "秒"
    MessageBoxTimeoutA 0&, cnt & "手 " & processTime & "秒", "解答終わりました", 1, 65536, 5 * 1000

    If org <> "" Then
        MessageBoxTimeoutA 0&, Sudoku_txt, "ホームページに回答", 1, 65536, 2 * 1000
        For i = 1 To 81
            o_elem.Item(i).SendKeys Mid(answer, i, 1)
        MessageBoxTimeoutA 0&, Sudoku_txt, "ホームページに回答終了", 1, 65536, 3 * 1000
        Set Driver = Nothing
    End If
End Sub

Private Function Sudoku_Try(t As SudokuType) As Boolean
    Dim rtn As Boolean
    Sudoku_Try = False
            rtn = methodA(t)
            Call showBoard(t.盤面, 5)       '盤面の描画
        Loop While rtn
        If t.残り > 0 Then
            rtn = methodB(t)
            Call showBoard(t.盤面, 3)       '盤面の描画
        End If
    Loop While rtn
    If t.残り = 0 Then
        answer = t.盤面
        Debug.Print "完成"
        Debug.Print answer
        Call showBoard(t.盤面, 3)       '盤面の描画
        Sudoku_Try = True
        Exit Function
        'Debug.Print "手詰まり。別のところに数字を入れて再試行処理へ"
        If backtrack(t) = True Then
            Sudoku_Try = True
            Exit Function
        End If
    End If
End Function
Private Function methodA(t As SudokuType) As Boolean
    Dim p, flag, n
    For p = 0 To 80
        If Mid(t.盤面, p + 1, 1) = "0" Then
            Dim Addr As AddrType
            Addr = TranslateAddr(p)
            flag = t.flag行(Addr.行) And t.flag列(Addr.列) And t.flag面(Addr.面)
            If flag <> 0 Then
                If 512 Mod flag = 0 Then
                    n = getFirstNum(flag)
                    Debug.Print "methodA 位置p:" & Right(" " + str(p), 2) & " に数字:" & n & " を置くことが可能"
                    Call Sudoku_setNum(t, p, n)
                    methodA = True
                End If
            End If
        End If
    methodA = False
End Function

Private Function methodB(t As SudokuType) As Boolean
    Dim n, p, flag
    Dim pflag行(9)
    Dim pflag列(9)
    Dim pflag面(9)
    Dim c行(8)
    Dim c列(8)
    Dim c面(8)
    For n = 1 To 9
        For p = 0 To 8
            c行(p) = 0
            c列(p) = 0
            c面(p) = 0
        For p = 0 To 80
            If Sudoku_canPlace(t, p, n) Then
                Dim Addr As AddrType
                Addr = TranslateAddr(p)
                c行(Addr.行) = c行(Addr.行) + 1
                pflag行(Addr.行) = p
                c列(Addr.列) = c列(Addr.列) + 1
                pflag列(Addr.列) = p
                c面(Addr.面) = c面(Addr.面) + 1
                pflag面(Addr.面) = p
            End If

        For p = 0 To 8
            If c行(p) = 1 Then
                'Debug.Print "methodB 位置p:" & Right(" " + str(p), 2) & " に数字:" & n & " を置くことが可能"
                Call Sudoku_setNum(t, pflag行(p), n)
                methodB = True
                Exit Function
            End If
        For p = 0 To 8
            If c列(p) = 1 Then
                'Debug.Print "methodB 位置p:" & Right(" " + str(p), 2) & " に数字:" & n & " を置くことが可能"
                Call Sudoku_setNum(t, pflag列(p), n)
                methodB = True
                Exit Function
            End If
        For p = 0 To 8
            If c面(p) = 1 Then
                'Debug.Print "methodB 位置p:" & Right(" " + str(p), 2) & " に数字:" & n & " を置くことが可能"
                Call Sudoku_setNum(t, pflag面(p), n)
                methodB = True
                Exit Function
            End If
        methodB = False
End Function
Private Function backtrack(t As SudokuType) As Boolean
    Dim backupSpace As SudokuType, p, n
    backtrack = False
    backupSpace = t
    p = Sudoku_nextAvail(t)
    For n = 1 To 9
        If Sudoku_canPlace(t, p, n) Then
            Debug.Print "backtrack 位置p:" & Right(" " + str(p), 2) & " に数字:" & n & " を置いて再試行"
            Call Sudoku_setNum(t, p, n)
            If Sudoku_Try(t) = True Then
                backtrack = True
                Exit Function
            End If
            t = backupSpace
        End If
End Function
Sub Sudoku_init(t As SudokuType)
    'flagに &H3FE = b0011 1111 1110を設定。
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 0 To 8
        t.flag行(i) = &H3FE
        t.flag列(i) = &H3FE
        t.flag面(i) = &H3FE
        t.残り = 81
End Sub

Sub Sudoku_setNum(t As SudokuType, p, n)
    Dim mask As Integer
    Dim Addr As AddrType
    Addr = TranslateAddr(p)
    mask = Not (2 ^ n)
    '              ---- --98 7654 321-
    ' 各flagエリア 0000 0000 0000 0000
    ' 例 2を置く場合、mask=not(2^2)=not(4)=not(b000000100)=b11111011
    ' flag And mask より、flagの3bit目が0になる
    t.flag行(Addr.行) = t.flag行(Addr.行) And mask
    t.flag列(Addr.列) = t.flag列(Addr.列) And mask
    t.flag面(Addr.面) = t.flag面(Addr.面) And mask
    ' t.盤面のp番目(pは0始まり)をnにする
    'Debug.Print "p=" & p & "-> " & Right(str(n), 1)
    t.盤面 = Mid(t.盤面, 1, p) & Right(str(n), 1) & Mid(t.盤面, p + 2)  '1文字置き換え

    If n > 0 Then
        t.残り = t.残り - 1
    End If
    cnt = cnt + 1
End Sub
Private Function TranslateAddr(p) As AddrType
    Dim bq As Integer, br As Integer, i As Byte
    TranslateAddr.行 = Int(p / 9)      '9で割った商    行を表す
    TranslateAddr.列 = Int(p Mod 9)    '9で割った余り  列を表す
    bq = Int(TranslateAddr.列 / 3)
    br = Int(TranslateAddr.行 / 3)
    TranslateAddr.面 = br * 3 + bq
End Function
Private Function getFirstNum(flag) As Integer
    getFirstNum = 0
    If flag = 0 Then
        Exit Function
    End If
    While (flag And 1) = 0
        getFirstNum = getFirstNum + 1
        flag = Int(flag / 2)    'フラグを右にシフト
End Function

Private Function Sudoku_nextAvail(t As SudokuType) As Integer
    Dim min_c, min_p, p
    min_c = 10
    min_p = -1
    For p = 0 To 80
        If Mid(t.盤面, p + 1, 1) = "0" Then
            Dim c
            c = Sudoku_countAvail(t, p)
            If c < min_c Then
                min_c = c
                min_p = p
            End If
        End If
    Sudoku_nextAvail = min_p
End Function

Private Function Sudoku_countAvail(t As SudokuType, p) As Integer
    Dim flag
    Dim Addr As AddrType
    Addr = TranslateAddr(p)
    'flag = getFlags(t, p)
    flag = t.flag行(Addr.行) And t.flag列(Addr.列) And t.flag面(Addr.面)
    Sudoku_countAvail = countBits(flag)
End Function
Private Function countBits(f) As Integer
    countBits = 0
    While f
        If f And 1 Then
            countBits = countBits + 1
        End If
        f = Int(f / 2)
End Function
Function Sudoku_canPlace(t As SudokuType, p, n)
    If Mid(t.盤面, p + 1, 1) <> "0" Then
        Sudoku_canPlace = 0
        Dim Addr As AddrType
        Addr = TranslateAddr(p)
        Sudoku_canPlace = t.flag行(Addr.行) And t.flag列(Addr.列) And t.flag面(Addr.面) And (2 ^ n)
    End If
End Function

Sub showBoard(Sudoku_txt, f_shoki)
    Dim num, p
    Dim Addr As AddrType
    For p = 0 To 80
        Addr = TranslateAddr(p)
        num = CInt(Mid(Sudoku_txt, p + 1, 1))
        Cells(board_top_c, board_top_r).Offset(Addr.行, Addr.列).Font.Size = 36
        If num > 0 Then
            Cells(board_top_c, board_top_r).Offset(Addr.行, Addr.列) = num
            Cells(board_top_c, board_top_r).Offset(Addr.行, Addr.列) = ""
        End If
        If f_shoki = 0 Then
            If num > 0 Then
                Cells(board_top_c, board_top_r).Offset(Addr.行, Addr.列).Font.ColorIndex = 1
                Cells(board_top_c, board_top_r).Offset(Addr.行, Addr.列).Font.ColorIndex = 3
            End If
            If Cells(board_top_c, board_top_r).Offset(Addr.行, Addr.列).Font.ColorIndex <> 1 Then
                Cells(board_top_c, board_top_r).Offset(Addr.行, Addr.列).Font.ColorIndex = f_shoki
            End If
        End If
End Sub




内閣府 「国民の祝日」について

Option Explicit

Sub Macro1()
    Const org_r = 1       ' 横方向
    Const org_c = 2       ' 縦方向
    Const num_box = 2
    Const sUrl = "https://www8.cao.go.jp/chosei/shukujitsu/syukujitsu.csv"
    Dim this_year, xShukujitu, ws, ShukujitsuTBL, y, m, d, sLast, sLastDay, cell_date, cell_month, xlookup, x_date
    ' 今年の年を取得
    this_year = Year(Date)
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False ' メッセージを非表示
    ' 今年のシートの作成
    If ExistsSheet(Str(this_year)) Then Sheets(Str(this_year)).Delete
    Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
    ActiveSheet.Name = Str(this_year)
    ' 来年のシートの作成
    If ExistsSheet(Str(this_year + 1)) Then Sheets(Str(this_year + 1)).Delete
    Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
    ActiveSheet.Name = Str(this_year + 1)
    ' 祝日シートの作成
    xShukujitu = "祝日"
    If ExistsSheet(xShukujitu) Then Sheets(xShukujitu).Delete
    Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
    ActiveSheet.Name = xShukujitu

    ' ネット上の祝日データーCSVの読み込み
    Set ws = ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;" & sUrl, Destination:=Range(xShukujitu & "!$A$1"))
        ws.TextFilePlatform = 932                               ' Shift_JIS を開く
        ws.TextFileStartRow = 1                                 ' 1 行目から読み込み
        ws.TextFileParseType = xlDelimited                      ' 区切り文字の形式
        ws.TextFileCommaDelimiter = True                        ' カンマ区切り
        ws.TextFileColumnDataTypes = Array(2, 2)                ' データータイプを文字型にする
    ws.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False                           ' CSV取得
    ShukujitsuTBL = ws.Name
    For y = this_year To this_year + 1
        For m = 1 To 12
            ' 翌月1日の前日を取得
            sLast = DateSerial(y, m + 1, 0)
            ' 末日の日を取得
            sLastDay = Format(sLast, "d")

            For d = 1 To sLastDay
                Set cell_date = Cells(org_c + d, org_r + (m - 1) * (num_box + 1))   ' 1日目を書くセル
                x_date = DateSerial(y, m, d)
                cell_date.Value = x_date
                cell_date.NumberFormatLocal = "d"
                ' 祝日テーブルを検索
                On Error Resume Next
                xlookup = ""
                xlookup = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Format(x_date, "yyyy/m/d"), Sheets(xShukujitu).Range(ShukujitsuTBL), 2, False)
                On Error GoTo 0
                If xlookup <> "" Then
                    ' 祝日テーブルにあった!
                    cell_date.Offset(0, 1).Value = xlookup
                    cell_date.Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
                End If
                Select Case Weekday(x_date)
                Case 1  ' 日曜
                    Range(cell_date, cell_date.Offset(0, num_box)).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 153, 204)
                Case 7  ' 土曜
                    Range(cell_date, cell_date.Offset(0, num_box)).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 204, 255)
                End Select
            Set cell_month = Cells(org_c, org_r + (m - 1) * (num_box + 1))  ' 月の名前を書くセル
            cell_month.Value = m & "月"
            ' 枠線を引く
            With Range(cell_month, cell_month.Offset(sLastDay, num_box))
                .Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
                .BorderAround Weight:=xlThick
            End With
End Sub

' シートの存在を判定する関数
Private Function ExistsSheet(ByVal bName As String)
    Dim ws As Variant
    ExistsSheet = False
    For Each ws In Sheets
        If LCase(ws.Name) = LCase(bName) Then
            ExistsSheet = True ' 存在した
            Exit Function
        End If
End Function




Option Explicit
'32ビット版ではPtrSafe をとると動くかもしれません。確認はしてませんが。
Private Declare PtrSafe Function FindWindowA Lib "user32" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function FindWindowEx Lib "user32.dll" Alias "FindWindowExA" (ByVal hMemochoParent As Long, ByVal hMemochoChildAfter As Long, ByVal lpszClass As String, ByVal lpszWindow As String) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function SendMessage Lib "user32.dll" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hMemocho As Long, ByVal MSG As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Any) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function PostMessage Lib "user32" Alias "PostMessageA" (ByVal hMemocho As LongPtr, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Any) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)

Const WM_COMMAND = &H111
Const WM_CLOSE = &H10
Const WM_SETTEXT As Long = &HC
Const WM_GETTEXT As Long = &HD
Const EM_REPLACESEL As Long = &HC2
Const EM_SETMODIFY  As Long = &HB9
Const BM_CLICK  As Long = &HF5

Const VK_RETURN  As Long = &HD 'Enterキー
Const WM_KEYDOWN As Long = &H100
Const WM_KEYUP As Long = &H101

Sub Memo2()
    Dim hMemocho As Long
    Dim hNamae As Long
    Dim hChild As Long
    Dim nLen As Long
    Dim rtn As Long
    Dim xStr As String
    Dim xFikename As String
    Dim fso, CurrentDirectory, i
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    CurrentDirectory = ActiveWorkbook.Path

    ' メモ帳の起動
    Call Shell("notepad.exe", vbNormalFocus)
    Do While hMemocho = 0
        hMemocho = FindWindowEx(0, 0, "Notepad", vbNullString)
        Sleep 100      'DoEventsだとうまく動かないのでSleepを使った

    hChild = FindWindowEx(hMemocho, 0&, "RichEditD2DPT", vbNullString)
    For i = 1 To 2
        xStr = Cells(i, 2).Value
        rtn = SendMessage(hChild, EM_REPLACESEL, 0, xStr & vbCrLf) ' 文字列を送信
    rtn = SendMessage(hChild, EM_SETMODIFY, 0, 0&) '変更フラグOFF
    ' コマンドラインの文字列の長さ  0&はLong型の0を意味する
    nLen = SendMessage(hChild, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0&)
    ' 文字列 +1 の長さの空白文字列を用意  +1はNullコード(&H00)
    xStr = String(nLen + 1, vbNullChar)
    rtn = SendMessage(hChild, WM_GETTEXT, nLen + 1, xStr)
    Debug.Print xStr

    '  「名前を付けて保存」Windowの処理
    '  このエクセルファイルと同じフォルダーに"abc.txt"という名前で保存する
    xFikename = fso.BuildPath(CurrentDirectory, "abc.txt")
    If fso.FileExists(xFikename) Then
        fso.DeleteFile xFikename, True
    End If

    rtn = PostMessage(hMemocho, WM_COMMAND, &H4, 0&)     'ファイル - 名前をつけて保存
    Do While hNamae = 0 Or hChild = 0
        hNamae = FindWindowA(vbNullString, "名前を付けて保存")
        hChild = FindWindowEx(hNamae, 0&, "DUIViewWndClassName", vbNullString)
        hChild = FindWindowEx(hChild, 0&, "DirectUIHWND", vbNullString)
        hChild = FindWindowEx(hChild, 0&, "FloatNotifySink", vbNullString)
        hChild = FindWindowEx(hChild, 0&, "ComboBox", vbNullString)
        Sleep 100      'DoEventsだとうまく動かないのでSleepを使った

    xStr = xFikename
    rtn = SendMessage(hChild, WM_SETTEXT, 0, xFikename) ' 文字列を送信

    hChild = FindWindowEx(hNamae, 0&, "Button", "保存(&S)")
    rtn = PostMessage(hChild, BM_CLICK, 0, 0&)
    'rtn = PostMessage(hChild, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_RETURN, 0&)
    'rtn = PostMessage(hChild, WM_KEYUP, VK_RETURN, 0&)

    'rtn = PostMessage(hMemocho, WM_COMMAND, &H7, 0&)     'ファイル - 終了
    rtn = PostMessage(hMemocho, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0&)     'アプリケーションを終了
End Sub

VBAでWindowsアプリ「メモ帳」を操作してみた・UI Automation

VBAでWindowsアプリ「メモ帳」を操作してみた・UI Automation

Option Explicit
' 32ビット版Excelの場合はPtrSafeは不要ですので、削除してみてください。
Private Declare PtrSafe Function FindWindowA Lib "user32" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function FindWindowEx Lib "User32.dll" Alias "FindWindowExA" (ByVal hWndParent As Long, ByVal hWndChildAfter As Long, ByVal lpszClass As String, ByVal lpszWindow As String) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Private Declare PtrSafe Function MessageBoxTimeoutA Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpText As String, ByVal lpCaption As String, ByVal uType As Long, ByVal wLanguageID As Long, ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) As Long

Sub Memo()
    Dim str_Title, i, fso, CurrentDirectory, xFikename
    Dim hWnd As Long
    Dim uiAuto As CUIAutomation
    Dim iCnd As IUIAutomationCondition
    Dim iValuePattern As IUIAutomationValuePattern
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    CurrentDirectory = ActiveWorkbook.Path
    ' メモ帳の起動
        Call Shell("notepad.exe", vbNormalFocus)
        Call Sleep(1000)
        'hWnd = FindWindowA(vbNullString, "タイトルなし - メモ帳")
        hWnd = FindWindowEx(0, 0, "Notepad", vbNullString)
        If hWnd = 0 Then
            Call MessageBoxTimeoutA(0&, "メモ帳がみつかりません", "hWndエラー", vbMsgBoxSetForeground, 0&, 10000)
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Dim elmMemocho As IUIAutomationElement
        Set uiAuto = New CUIAutomation
        Set elmMemocho = uiAuto.ElementFromHandle(ByVal hWnd)
        If elmMemocho Is Nothing Then
            i = MessageBoxTimeoutA(0&, "TimelineView" & Chr(13) & "がみつかりません", "FindFirstエラー", vbMsgBoxSetForeground, 0&, 10000)
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Dim elmMemocho_edit As IUIAutomationElement
        Set iCnd = uiAuto.CreatePropertyCondition(UIA_ClassNamePropertyId, "RichEditD2DPT")
        Set elmMemocho_edit = elmMemocho.FindFirst(TreeScope_Subtree, iCnd)
        Set iValuePattern = elmMemocho_edit.GetCurrentPattern(UIA_ValuePatternId)
        ' B1,B2セルの内容をメモ帳に書く
        iValuePattern.SetValue Range("B1").Value & Chr(13) & Range("B2").Value
        ' メモ帳の編集内容を見るにはCurrentValue
        'Debug.Print iValuePattern.CurrentValue
        Dim elmMemocho_m0 As IUIAutomationElement
        Dim elmMemocho_m1 As IUIAutomationElement
        Dim elmMemocho_m2 As IUIAutomationElement
        Dim elmMemocho_m3 As IUIAutomationElement
        Set iCnd = uiAuto.CreatePropertyCondition(UIA_ClassNamePropertyId, "Windows.UI.Input.InputSite.WindowClass")
        Set elmMemocho_m0 = elmMemocho.FindFirst(TreeScope_Subtree, iCnd)
        Set iCnd = uiAuto.CreatePropertyCondition(UIA_AutomationIdPropertyId, "MenuBar")
        Set elmMemocho_m1 = elmMemocho_m0.FindFirst(TreeScope_Subtree, iCnd)
        Set iCnd = uiAuto.CreatePropertyCondition(UIA_NamePropertyId, "ファイル")
        Set elmMemocho_m2 = elmMemocho_m1.FindFirst(TreeScope_Subtree, iCnd)
        Dim InvokePattern As IUIAutomationInvokePattern
        Set InvokePattern = elmMemocho_m2.GetCurrentPattern(UIA_InvokePatternId)
        Set iCnd = uiAuto.CreatePropertyCondition(UIA_NamePropertyId, "名前を付けて保存")
            Set elmMemocho_m3 = elmMemocho.FindFirst(TreeScope_Subtree, iCnd)
        Loop While elmMemocho_m3 Is Nothing
        Set InvokePattern = elmMemocho_m3.GetCurrentPattern(UIA_InvokePatternId)
    '  「名前を付けて保存」Windowの処理
    '  このエクセルファイルと同じフォルダーに"abc.txt"という名前で保存する
        xFikename = fso.BuildPath(CurrentDirectory, "abc.txt")
        If fso.FileExists(xFikename) Then
            fso.DeleteFile xFikename, True
        End If
        Dim elmMemocho_s0 As IUIAutomationElement
        Dim elmMemocho_s1 As IUIAutomationElement
        Dim elmMemocho_s2 As IUIAutomationElement
        Set iCnd = uiAuto.CreatePropertyCondition(UIA_NamePropertyId, "名前を付けて保存")
            Set elmMemocho_s0 = elmMemocho.FindFirst(TreeScope_Subtree, iCnd)
        Loop While elmMemocho_s0 Is Nothing
        Set iCnd = uiAuto.CreatePropertyCondition(UIA_ClassNamePropertyId, "DUIViewWndClassName")
        Set elmMemocho_s1 = elmMemocho_s0.FindFirst(TreeScope_Subtree, iCnd)
        Set iCnd = uiAuto.CreatePropertyCondition(UIA_ClassNamePropertyId, "AppControlHost")
        Set elmMemocho_s2 = elmMemocho_s1.FindFirst(TreeScope_Subtree, iCnd)
        Set iValuePattern = elmMemocho_s2.GetCurrentPattern(UIA_ValuePatternId)
        iValuePattern.SetValue xFikename
        Set iCnd = uiAuto.CreatePropertyCondition(UIA_NamePropertyId, "保存(S)")
        Set elmMemocho_s1 = elmMemocho_s0.FindFirst(TreeScope_Subtree, iCnd)
        Set InvokePattern = elmMemocho_s1.GetCurrentPattern(UIA_InvokePatternId)
        Set InvokePattern = elmMemocho_m2.GetCurrentPattern(UIA_InvokePatternId)
        Set iCnd = uiAuto.CreatePropertyCondition(UIA_NamePropertyId, "終了")
            Set elmMemocho_m3 = elmMemocho.FindFirst(TreeScope_Subtree, iCnd)
        Loop While elmMemocho_m3 Is Nothing
        Set InvokePattern = elmMemocho_m3.GetCurrentPattern(UIA_InvokePatternId)

End Sub